Obviously as we all know, today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Today I went to practice, we have a big game tomorrow against one of the better teams in our league. Actually all the teams are good in our league except one, we have one of the most competitive leagues. Anyway, I had to leave practice early today because I had to go to the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration at one of our local middle schools. I was very excited to have the opportunity to speak in front of my community at the celebration but then I find out Friday that I will only be speaking for one to two minutes. I'm thinking to myself what kind of crap is this. I was getting ready to get up there and talk about how just like Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, so did I. I was ready to go in...then I was shut down, which made me very upset. How you gonna call me and ask me to speak one to two minutes about your organization on this important occasion. They could have had some 5th grade talk about how they love the organization and all that it has done for them. I will be laying the law down and let them know not to waste my time again. I had to miss the majority of practice to go to the celebration and talk for one to two minutes, but you know I spoke longer. It wasn't the fact that I had to go to the celebration but it was that I had to miss practice for one to two minutes of public speaking. I didn't take public speaking in college to speak for two minutes max. Hey this is how I looked at it last night, this isn't the grammy's or something so I knew that they wouldn't have music to play to get me off stage so I was gonna say what I wanted which was going to be longer than two minutes. I did out of respect make the speech only about five minutes long. Overall I think it was a cool celebration, I wish more people were there, and stuff but the important folks were there.
Practice was okay today, for the most part. I did notice that there were only five players from the freshman team who showed up to practice and they have a game tomorrow. All the varsity players finally showed up with no excuses. They all needed to be there because we have a big game tomorrow and we need them to focus and work on a few things. In our last game we had about 27 turnovers, redic I know. We did come out with the W but it was redic. We also missed too many layups to count, which is very sad on the varsity level because when we play great teams we are going to have to make our layups and free throws.
I have come to the conclusion that I am going to make a small packet called Basketball and Life Etiquette. There are things that our girls are just lacking, such as please and thank you, basic manners. There are somethings that they don't know basketball wise for which is, you need to wear an undershirt that is either white or the color of your jersey. You do not, I repeat, do not wear a pink shirt under a white, blue, and grey jersey, especially when the jersey is white. Anyway I am going to work on this packet and get it to the girls in the whole program by the end of the season, definitely by the end of the year banquet.
Gotta go watch Nip/Tuck then record the inauguration for tomorrow because I am going to miss a good portion of it because I am going to this Barack Obama Celebration at one of the local elementary schools.
1 Day and 10hours until student teaching!