Friday, August 4, 2023

Save the date: AQE's Champions of Education Celebration

October 5, 2023 in New York City

Save the Date: October 5, 2023

AQE's Champions of Education

October 5, 2023  at 5:30 PM 

In person at the Manny Cantor Center

197 E Broadway

New York City


Dear Ashley,


We are proud to announce AQE's annual Champions of Education celebration will be returning on Thursday, October 5th, 2023 to the Manny Cantor Center in New York City.


This September marks the first year that every school in New York will begin the school year 100 percent fully funded, a victory that would not have been possible without the work of AQE and our supporters. On October 5th, we will be celebrating this historic moment, and recognizing some of the individuals whose commitment to New York's students over the years has never wavered, and contributed to where we are today.


Stay tuned: we will be announcing our honorees soon. In the meantime, mark your calendars! It isn't too early to register at the link below. We hope you will join us to celebrate our honorees this October. 

We hope to see you there!


Jasmine Gripper

Executive Director


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